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[뉴스레터] [Newsletter] Coordinating the 2020 Fall Conference of the Society of Fashion & Textile Industry 상세보기

[뉴스레터] [Newsletter] Coordinating the 2020 Fall Conference of the Society of Fashion & Textile Industry

조회 3216

홍보담당자 2020-10-29 09:59:11

Coordinating the 2020 Fall Conference of the Society of Fashion & Textile Industry


  • The Busan Institute of Design Promotion held the 2020 Fall Conference in collaboration with the Society of Fashion & Textile Industry.
  • The keynote of the Fall Conference was the formation of a design convergence sports start-up session and the design-driven technology start-up.

The DCB co-hosted the "2020 Fall Conference" with the Korea Association of Clothing Industry at BEXCO on October 31.

Under the theme of Life Care in StyleTech, the event was broadcast offline and online in real-time. With 'life care design-based technology convergence' within the fashion industry, we discovered the fashion industry's future vision and discussed development direction.

The keynote speaker, Park Jea hyun, said “In this era, offline technologies such as digital, artificial intelligence, and bio converge in new and diverse forms, going back and forth between reality and hypothetical, and the pace of their spread is racing against the clock. For the continuous growth of rich content that reflects Busan's topographical and cultural characteristics, the economy, culture, technology, information, and capital that can be accessed in the metropolitan area must be accessible in the region. In the field of the design industry, our agency will play a role.”

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  • 2024-03-29