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[뉴스레터] [newsletter] Major achievements of DCB in 2021 - ③ Advancement of the design-related job system 상세보기

[뉴스레터] [newsletter] Major achievements of DCB in 2021 - ③ Advancement of the design-related job system

조회 1404

홍보담당자 2021-12-30 15:42:20


Major achievements of DCB in 2021 -
③ Advancement of the design-related job system


  • With various specialized education and start-up programs led to the settlement of youth talent areas.

We focused its capabilities on building a vibrant design labor market by expanding good job opportunities and strengthening customized support in the design sector.

◆ Supporting for start-ups for young people, social ventures, and career-interrupted women
DCB has created tangible results by providing various programs for young people, social ventures, and career-interrupted women for successful start-ups and fostering.

To foster creative and innovative social enterprises centered on social values, preliminary social enterprises specialized in design were discovered, 24 start-up teams were discovered, and 112 jobs were created. In addition, ten social venture companies with creative technology and the purpose of solving social problems in Busan were selected to provide education, consulting, and mentoring, and these companies recruited 19 new employees, and three companies attracted 810 million won in investment.

In addition, 20 handmade companies in Busan for young people were selected to support commercialization, achieving six new employment cases and total sales of about 1594 million won, and local craft education programs (resin art, fluid, ratan crafts) and initial commercialization funds worth 1 million won per person.

◆ Fostering design-specialized talent
We operate the World First-class Designers Training Project (KDM+, Korea Design Membership Plus), which selects design-specialized students from the Buulgyeong region and fosters them as world-class designers who can be put directly into industrial sites with various practical design education. This year, KDM+ members won two Gold, one Silver, and one Bronze at the Spark Design Awards in the United States.

Besides, We worked hard to strengthen the capabilities of local talent by providing youth employment linkage and labor cost support to local SMEs and training local industrial design experts for the unemployed and incumbent.

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