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[newsletter] Selected as a joint training center for regional/industry customized human resources training for 8 consecutive years 상세보기

[newsletter] Selected as a joint training center for regional/industry customized human resources training for 8 consecutive years

조회 2693

홍보담당자 2022-02-18 09:13:42


Selected as a joint training center for regional/industry customized human resources training for 8 consecutive years


  • Operate ‘front-end web design expert training course’ for prospective job seekers and open 19 job competency improvement courses for incumbents in SMEs

Design Council Busan, a design convergence center, was selected as a joint training center for regional and industrial human resources training projects in 2022 for 8 consecutive years.

This project is operated as both a design expert training course that supports the employment of unemployed and graduated (or graduating) persons over the age of 18 in connection with companies signed with the Design Council Busan and a job competency improvement course for incumbents who have signed up for employment insurance among small and medium-sized enterprises that have signed an agreement with the Design Council Busan.

The ‘Front-End Web Design Expert Training Course’, which targets unemployed and graduated (or graduating)persons, is a training course that supports employment by associating with Design Council Busan,provides full support for training allowance, food, and education fees, and on-sitejob competency training.

The job competency improvement course for incumbents who are enrolled in the employment insurance will be operated in 19 courses including ‘Big Data Analysis and Visualization’. Various courses are providedthat help improve job competency and improve the quality of life of workers through self-development and career development.

Meanwhile, the Front-End Web Design Expert Training Course is being accepted until February 25, and 15 people will be selected and applied. Detailed information and application for this can be found through the announcement on the website of the Design Council Busan(www.dcb.or.kr).

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  • 2025-02-07