[newsletter] Design Council Busan “Design/manufacturing specialization as a startup support institution for the social entrepreneur nurturing project and selection of a regional institution” 상세보기
[newsletter] Design Council Busan “Design/manufacturing specialization as a startup support institution for the social entrepreneur nurturing project and selection of a regional institution”
조회 2737
홍보담당자 2022-02-18 09:16:14
Design Council Busan
“Design/manufacturing specialization as a startup support institution for the social entrepreneur nurturing project and selection of a regional institution”
Design Council Busan was selected as a design/manufacturing specialized and regional startup support organization in the ‘Social Entrepreneur Development Project’ hosted by the Ministry of Employment and Labor and organized by the Korea Social Enterprise Promotion Agency for the 9th year since 2014.
The purpose of the Social Entrepreneur Fostering Project is to discover ‘preliminary social entrepreneurs who want to solve social problems with creative and innovative startup ideas for social enterprises and to support successful start-up activities.
Design Council Busan has incubated 185 startup teams until this year, produced 100 (preliminary) social enterprises, and provided startup funds(within an average of KRW 30M per team) for infrastructures such as manpower, space, and network, and education, mentoring, etc.
As the only ‘design/manufacturing specialized and regional startup support institution’ in the country, the Design Council Busan focuses on improving the competition in the market by raising the design level of startup interns and provides intensive support throughout the entire process of starting a business.
Moreover, it provides essential education necessary for the startup process, as well as education and consulting programs including association with local communities and private resources and supporting sales channels for the growth of preliminary social enterprises.
Kang Pil-Hyeon, president of the Design Council Busan, said, “We want to create a sustainable ecosystem by developing and applying a design-oriented social enterprises service and business model, and by forming various design fields to create future values and form a convergence design cluster.” “It is an opportunity for prospective entrepreneurs with creative ideas and passion to found high-quality social enterprises through the social entrepreneur nurturing project.”