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[newsletter] DESIGN COUNCIL BUSAN design-led job creation won first prize for the third consecutive year. 상세보기

[newsletter] DESIGN COUNCIL BUSAN design-led job creation won first prize for the third consecutive year.

조회 2588

홍보담당자 2022-03-30 08:29:33

DESIGN COUNCIL BUSAN design-led job creation won first prize for the third consecutive year.


  • Proved the effectiveness of design-led job creation by achieving the highest rating in the institution sector in 2021.

The DESIGN COUNCIL BUSAN (President Kang Pil-hyun) announced that they achieved the highest rating among investment and contribution institutions for the third consecutive year following wins in 2018 and 2019 in the "Busan Metropolitan City Job Creation Performance Evaluation" which evaluates excellent job creation policies and job creation efforts.

Busan Metropolitan City has established an integrated evaluation system for jobs to improve the quantity and quality of jobs, and has been evaluating excellent job creation policies and job creation performance for each construction, industrial complex, and investment companies.
In 2021 quantitative and qualitative written evaluations were done by committee members in two areas, excellent job creation policies through active administration and efforts to create good jobs.

In 2021 the DESIGN COUNCIL BUSAN used regional design led start up centers, social and economic revitalization, regional design jobs, and efforts to create jobs for fashion and clothing to provide support for 51 companies. They provided 10.1 billion won in funding and offered 670 educational and consulting support sessions to 206 companies.

As the organizer of the "Start-up Leap Package Support Project" which is recruited by the Ministry of SMEs and Startups, it has provided customized services for start-up companies 3 to 7 years old. It has provided services such as commercialization funds and design-specific programs since 2018. Also they are putting effort into creating design led jobs. For example, 9 companies were chosen as prospective social enterprises by social entrepreneurs and provided start-up support.

The DESIGN COUNCIL BUSAN is focusing on creating jobs in Busan by organizing a design led job creating TF team. It was created in 2017 and officially organized as a job start up promotion team in 2019 in line with government policy and current situation in Busan. In 2022, it plans to continue various job creation projects such as start-up support, employment linkage, and talent training through design.

According to a UK study, investing 1 pound in design can increase corporate sales by 20%, net operating profit by 4%, and exports by 5%. Also, people with design capabilities are 47 % more productive than average people.

Kang Pil-hyun, president of the DESIGN COUNCIL BUSAN, said, “The DESIGN COUNCIL BUSAN has proven the necessity and effectiveness of design-led job creation by achieving the highest rating for job creation for the third consecutive year. We will continue to do our best to create various jobs by fostering design integrated talents so that they can lead Busan's industry without leaving the country.”

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