[newsletter] Support for non-face-to-face design development for small and medium-sized enterprises and small business owners using the Asian design platform 상세보기
[newsletter] Support for non-face-to-face design development for small and medium-sized enterprises and small business owners using the Asian design platform
조회 2658
홍보담당자 2022-03-30 08:32:12
Support for non-face-to-face design development for small and medium-sized enterprises and small business owners using the Asian design platform
- Effect of enhancing the product competitiveness of local SMEs and small business owners and strengthening the capabilities of design companies
The DESIGN COUNCIL BUSAN will hold a design development contest using the Asian Design Platform (ADP) to secure product competitiveness of SMEs and small business owners and strengthen the capabilities of design companies and designers.
The design development contest will receive applications from 25 small and medium-sized enterprises and small business owners based in Busan on a first-come, first-served basis throughout the year (until December 9), and will be closed early when project costs are exhausted.
The support items provide contest hosting costs and non-face-to-face design consulting worth up to 2 million won per company, which is twice the cost of holding the contest compared to last year.
Companies selected for this project will hold design contests in necessary fields such as ▲ brand design ▲ edit design ▲ product design ▲ WEB/APP design ▲ architectural design, and during the event, they can use the works selected as winners after screening by designer or design companies.
Meanwhile, the Asian Design Platform (ADP) has been built over the past two years to help the Busan design industry create new value and enter the global market in the era of the 4th industrial revolution based on networks, and provides services such as contests, design markets, job portals, and talent sharing.
For more information on the Asian Design Platform (ADP) contest, visit the DESIGN COUNCIL BUSAN website (www.dcb.or.kr) or the Asian Design Platform website. (https://adp.dcb.or.kr/business/notice).
Kim Sung-hyun, head of the global cooperation TF team, said, “We expect to strengthen the marketability of local SMEs and small business owners. We also expect to enhance sales and design capabilities for design companies and designers while sharing growth through the Asian Design Platform, a human and physical network related to design.”