[newsletter] DESIGN COUNCIL BUSAN provides design experience opportunities for people with developmental disabilities 상세보기
[newsletter] DESIGN COUNCIL BUSAN provides design experience opportunities for people with developmental disabilities
조회 2928
홍보담당자 2022-03-30 08:32:51
DESIGN COUNCIL BUSAN provides design experience opportunities for people with developmental disabilities
- Development of design experience education for the disabled through talent donation
On March 7th, the DESIGN COUNCIL BUSAN conducted design career experience training for 12 people with developmental disabilities at the Busan Development Disabled Training Center of the Busan Regional Headquarters of the Korea Employment Service for the Disabled.
Design career experience education is aimed at enhancing the level of design education by providing career experience learning to build a foundation for fostering creative talents in the future, and is conducted for elementary, middle and high school students in Busan.
This training was conducted as part of social contribution activities through talent donation by the Busan Design Promotion Team to lay the foundation for design awareness and diversify career experiences through creative practice for the disabled in Busan.
Starting with theoretical education on the concept of design, trainees designed eco-bags using acrylic paints and manufactured plaster air fresheners through practice.
Meanwhile, the DESIGN COUNCIL BUSAN started design career experience education in 2014 and has been providing education to more than 5,000 kindergarteners, elementary, middle and high school students in the region for eight years.
In recognition of their contribution to fostering innovative talents with challenging spirit and problem-solving skills, they are striving to cultivate talents with Busan's design capabilities such as receiving a "Minister of Education in Career Exploration Activities Cooperation" award in 2020.